Headteachers have warned Theresa May’s pay cuts will force them to cut staff, sports teams and clubs. Headteachers across one council area have written to the Prime Minister inviting her to visit their schools and witness first-hand the damage the cuts will make to their students and the school.

The letter written to Mrs May read: “The pastoral and well-being of students is being threatened by the cuts that have already taken hold and will be worsened by the imposition of the new funding formula. At a time when the mental health of young people is being highlighted, we are seeing counselling, mentoring and general support being reduced across schools.”

“In a borough that works so hard to keep young people safe, in often challenging circumstances, we are concerned that these cuts will jeopardise the safety of the most vulnerable.”

Although the Conservative party has promised an extra £4 billion to be added to the schools budget by 2022, teachers worry it won’t be enough to cover the rising number of pupils.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies costed Labour’s promise to reverse the cuts seen over recent years at an additional £4.8 billion, this would in-turn see schools budgets increase over the next five years. It has been calculated secondary schools in England would get £500 more per pupil under Labour, rather than the Conservatives.

Many fear if the current government is re-elected the funding cuts will continue, the Institute for Fiscal Studies confirmed this week, spending cuts will mean there will be cuts of 2.8% less per pupil.

Has your school faced any cuts? Let us know by getting in touch with us today: 

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