Teachers have backed plans for a possible boycott of primary school tests in England starting next year.

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) believes the tests for seven and 11 year olds are damaging to the children and their education.

The Government are now consulting on the future of testing in primary education and may choose to scrap tests for seven year old’s and introduce a baseline assessment in reception, instead. However, if agreed this wouldn’t come into effect until 2020.

NUT executive member, Jessica Edwards, said “SATs in our schools is damaging to children and their education, self-esteem, mental health and all the things that they need to succeed as they go through their education.”

Many teachers have reported seeing children crying during these tests and have seen children under ‘unnecessary stresses’.

Kevin Courtney, NUT general secretary, stated “primary education should be a time in children’s lives when they develop a love of learning, not fear and dread of failure.”

Meanwhile, The Department for Education says that tests should not be stressful, but rigorous testing helps raise standards in schools.

What are your thoughts on primary SATs being scrapped? Let us know what you think:

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