Survey shows almost half of students think apprenticeships are mainly for men. The latest student community website in the UK, The Student Room, recently conducted a poll, asking 10,000 students about their options following A-levels, looking at apprenticeships, employments, gap years and going to university.

The results found that only 11% of young people said they felt ‘fully informed’ about this training and career option. A further 40% said they had received ‘very little’ or ‘no information’ about taking on an apprenticeship.

In addition to the above results, nearly half (40%) of students think apprenticeships are taken up mostly by men. Only 1% saying they felt apprenticeships were mainly taken by women.

Zoe McMillan, community manager at The Student Room, described how the findings show a “worrying perception” of a “non-existent gender imbalance within apprenticeships” among students. She added; “Apprenticeships are a highly credible pathway for both male and female students seeking knowledge, training, and on-the-job experience in their chosen career.

“It would be a huge shame if today’s students were missing out on potential career opportunities because of outdated misconceptions. I’d encourage everyone to fully investigate every option before committing to their chosen pathway after school.”

Are you interested in apprenticeship training? A career in recruitment is both exciting and rewarding. We believe in finding outstanding individuals to join our company, which is why we teamed up with The Lightbulb to offer level 2 administration apprenticeships within the business.

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