eLearning Zone Launch

Athona Education’s eLearning zone launch! Our team’s been working hard to bring you lots of bite-sized training videos for both primary and secondary candidates, whether you are new to education or you are an experienced teacher. Our trainer Sarah has been a primary school teacher for over six years and has teamed up with industry

eLearning Zone

We are proud to announce that we will be launching our new eLearning zone in February. Training and support is important to us, so we have been busy working with our Learning and Development Executive Sarah Rogers to completely change the training we offer our candidates. Sarah has been a primary teacher for six years and

Proposed Changes to Holiday Pay

Proposed changes to holiday pay. The government have proposed changes to simplify holiday pay calculations to read more about this from the REC click here. Our Managing Director Jeanette Holder explains why she welcomes this: “Government legislation designed to support the majority of contracted candidates can occasionally have a negative impact on the minority, this

Teaching after Retirement

Teaching after Retirement With the end of the academic year approaching, many teachers will be retiring from the profession and leaving their school. However, retirement doesn’t have to mean the end of teaching. Many of those retiring still love teaching but don’t want all the extra work goes with it, so lots of retiring teachers

Early Career Teacher

Being an early career teacher (ECT) can be a scary time if you are yet to find your first teaching job. But that’s where Athona Education steps in.  Our  16 years of experience means we’re experts in supporting early career teachers (previously known as newly qualified teachers/NQTs) with finding the right role for them. Our

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week is running this year between Monday 15th May and Sunday 21st May and is  an annual event where the UK comes together to recognise the importance of achieving and maintaining good mental health for everyone. Each year the event focuses on a particular mental health topic, and the theme this year

World Poetry Day

Held annually on the 21st of March, World Poetry Day was first introduced by UNESCO in 1999. It promotes the reading, writing and publishing of poetry around the world, helping to bring together people in every culture and on every continent – with all invited to join in. Poetry can often be considered old fashioned

World Book Day

Created in 1995 by UNESCO, World Book Day is an annual event that is celebrated in over 100 countries across the world. It was founded to develop and encourage a lifelong love of reading in childhood. The first UK event took place in 1995 and since then schools across the country have taken part, encouraging

Keeping yourself safe online

When working in education it is more important than ever to understand how you should be keeping yourself safe online. The way we communicate is constantly evolving and the rise of social media has widened our social circle, so we are now communicating with friends, friends of friends and even strangers with just one click.
